About Ours
Grass Fed Beef

<span> About Ours</span><br>Grass Fed Beef

Grass fed beef is gaining popularity among consumers looking for a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional beef.

Our cattle are rotationally grazed, so we don’t just grow produce from the farm, we actually use it to improve the vegetation and soil health on our farm. This helps to promote healthy plant growth and prevent soil erosion, while also providing our cattle with a diverse and nutritious diet. We create a sustainable and regenerative farming system that benefits both the animals and the environment.

We believe that grass fed beef is truly like consuming the sun’s rays, and we are proud to offer this healthy and delicious product to our customers.

<span> About Ours</span><br>Grass Fed Beef

Some Difference
What to expect

<span> Some Difference</span><br>What to expect

Grass fed beef will not have the same amount of fat as grain fed beef. It has a distinct, slightly earthy taste. Also expect slightly smaller cut sizes since grass fed animals grow more slowly.

Our beef is more nutritious, with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and other beneficial nutrients.

<span> Some Difference</span><br>What to expect

How Cost
All Prices

<span>How Cost</span><br> All Prices


We sell by the whole, half, or quarter. Priced at $5.49 per lb hanging weight. You pay the butcher fees for your portion which is typically around $1 per lb hanging weight.

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